Artist Detail 作家情報詳細

Artist Name

根本 忠夫
ネモト タダオ



  • ジャンル: 洋画
  • 出身地: 東京都
  • 生年: 1941
  • 経歴: 元陽展大賞、都知事賞他22、日墨文化交流絵画展4、個展18、企画展多数
  • 所属団体/役職名: 元陽会委員・常運審、日美家連会員、WAC正会員、アトリエ主宰、小平美術会副会長、WPA創立会員
  • Genre: Western Style Painting
  • Birthplace: Tokyo
  • Birth Year: 1941
  • Personal History: Received the Grand Prize from Genyo-Kai, and twenty-two awards including the Award of Governor of Tokyo. Exhibited his works in the Japan-Mexico Cultural Exchange Art Exhibition four times, held a one-person exhibition eighteen times and many exhibitions planned by the galleries.
  • Membership/Title: The committee member and managing director of Genyo-Kai, a member of Japan Artists Association, Inc., a regular member of WAC, the organizer of Atelier, the vice chairman of Kodaira Art Association and a WPA founding member

“Developing Spring” in the 41st Genyo Exhibition
“In Bud (Germination)”
“Boating in Xochimilco”


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